Henry has not been him self since he had the chemo treatment four days ago. He still makes an effort because he is just like that.  Still smiles.

But he is not his usual and he seems very tired.  His nose bleeds, we do not know why.

Yesterday he started taking Aloe Arborescens after a 10 days break so we are hopping that this will pick him up again. 
We'll see.

I think it is also important to talk  about the struggle of not having much money, I am sure this is an issue for many people who are ill. For everybody really.   To look after your self costs a lot of money. We are not big spenders, we have always been ok with the basics but now more than ever we understand that happy days are those that Henry is free of pain from the illness and side effects from chemo.  So we do not really need to spend money in fancy things to be happy.

The money that needs to be raised is a lot and even though we do not want to think about not being able to raise it, we know that the possibility exists. So while the money is being raised he needs to help him self by other means.  We have decided to invest our little money to have good-for-you food. 

A friend of Henry's, Sharon, sent him an email with an article on "what cancer cells feed on".  So we have drastically decided to take all that food away from our daily diet.

It is complicated because Henry is underweight and according to the dietician he needs to eat cakes, milk, ice cream, chocolate and fatty foods in general to increase his weight.  But we do not understand why Henry is being recommended to do what this country is campaigning against; NO FATTY FOOD!!.   We do not understand why his weight needs to be increased at any cost.

Sooo, we have drawn our own little plan.  No ice cream, no milk, no cakes and no fatty food. All this is following the article we got from Sharon.

So yesterday we topped up the fridge with tones of fruit, vegetables, fish and almond milk. He is also having seed, pulses and dried fruits. We have bought a proper juicer so we can juice raw vegetables to make the most of its nutrients. Henry is now eating every 2.5 hours so he can stop having the "Insure" drinks and get his 2.400 daily Kcal just out of good food.
Yesterday was Henry's first day without the supplementary drink and that is another little step forward to be thankful for.

As long as we can we will invest in antioxidant food.  Surely nutrients play an important role in the body.

Apart from staying positive, that is all he can do at the moment; eat very well.

I have put the "What cancer cells feed on " article on the blog just in case somebody is interested in reading it.

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